Betty Liu of Bloomberg Television might be on to something here… Not all advice is good advice! Whether you are working or looking for work, her 5 pieces of advice to ignore could apply. I am drawn to the 5th piece of advice she brings up: "Think about your dream job and go after it." I remember sitting down with my guidance councilor in high school and having this conversation. She said, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. Being a 17 year old kid, I had no clue! I could go into sales like my father or go the other direction and do something exciting, like being a police officer. If you asked my mom what I would have said at 5 years old, she would tell you that I wanted to be a garbage man (who wouldn’t want to ride on the back of that truck all day?!). “Dream jobs” are often jobs you THINK you want… I know a few people that ended up getting their dream job and it turned out to be more of a nightmare. Maybe it is a change in lifestyle or a new passion that draws you in another direction. Before I was in the staffing business, I worked in retail management and it got to the point that I hated the thought of even stepping in the building. Seeing those OT paychecks being deposited on Fridays were always a great motivator, but not having a day off for 2 weeks made a home life very tough and that’s what I wanted. Now, I get to work early and find myself looking through emails and resumes before bed. I tell you this to make you think… Are you in your dream job? Is your dream job really what you thought it would be? What REALLY makes you happy and keeps you engaged? At the end of the day, dreams are great, but reality puts food on the table! Do your research and think your next career move through carefully! Matt Kirchhoff - Account Manager
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