Most employees expect their workplace to offer them a safe environment in which they can complete their job duties. There are workplaces that face the challenge of gaining that level of safety that some others do not. For all companies however, workplace safety is the upmost priority. A safe workplace does not just come from the rules and regulations set by the management. The safety of a workplace comes from the responsibility of the employees as well as the employers. Safety does not just mean clean workspaces, appropriate guards on machines and appropriate gear. Workplace safety also comes from the health and knowledge of the employees carrying out the duty. In order to provide workers with a safe work environment, managers must provide workers with the following: leadership, accountability, effective work strategies, safety plans, policies and procedures, goals, as well as precautionary measures. Along with the employees knowing which hazards to avoid the goals of both employers and employees should be along the same focus. Health and safety within a workplace comes from both sides of the workplace. Importance of safety is the same as cost control, quality or productivity. All hazards should be identified and controlled, accidents reported and solutions considered. Lastly, safety education should always be ongoing. Bernie Cavanaugh – Office Manager
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